In Paint 3D, select 3D View from the top menu. How to fill the bottom part of the points with a gradient, as the gif I showed you there at the beginning? Like if I would make a line in the place of the dots and fill in the bottom of it.īut I don’t know, I think it also could be a lot of line bars side by side to make the effect I wich. With the new tools in Paint 3D, you can easily create in three dimensions. (I can just post 2 links because I’m a new user.) You can see it on the playground: #E3XJMU#99. How to make the grid and the points ‘talk’? When I try to reduce the number of labels on the x-axis, the coordinates get lost by the scene. But it has some crazy information that I still can’t understand. But I’m new here, and I don’t know what could be the next step: I tried adding the grid, and I couldn’t achieve that. I have already a playground with a “Hello World”. What I’m trying to achieve is an FFT 3D graphic, something like that: I’ve already tried visJS, in it 3D graphics modules… But I couldn’t go so far with that.
I’m here trying to make some 3d FFT graphics using Babylon.